By Wednesday, February 2, 2022 6 No tags Permalink

Should dogs share water bowls? That question riddled my mind some time between three and four one morning standing across the street from my house in my PJ’s.

My exhausted brain had three consecutive nights of interrupted sleep -due to both Dood’s experiencing Poopa-Pa-Looza – to figure out what was wrong.

Like a really bad off-off broadway play – the opening act began with Jaxson. 

Lee and I went out to dinner in the middle of the week, we were g4ne maybe two hours and came home to a nightmare. Jax had gotten sick (from both ends) throughout the first floor.

So uncharacteristic of him, I couldn’t be angry. I cleaned (praise the Lord for my Ruggable Washable Rug) and thought that was the end of a one time occurrence. I had no idea what was coming next.

This horrendous performance went on all night long (sing it Lionel Richie) and by dawn I was saw double as I drunk-stumbled into the office.


Don’t know about your house, but in mine, when somethings not right – Lee acts like Anderson Cooper reporting breaking news – every hour – on the hour – via text – 

there’s more sh$& coming out again

I text back reminding him there’s not much I can do about this when I’m at work, but his updates keep coming anyway. I beg him to hang in there and reassure him that I’ll be home as soon as possible.

Their dinner consisted of chicken and rice that evening, but Jax’s faucet kept running. A little after midnight, I felt Harley’s paw clawing the side of my bed. His wide alert pupils barked it all. I jumped up hopping across the floor pulling pants on one leg at a time as we both raced to the front door.

Yep – the calimockus (caul ey mock us) (a word I made up for every intestinal issue the human children brought home) had attacked again.


The next day, I called Doodle Doc. She prescribed some holistic goop that looked like liver paste and told me to –

Stay the course

Their appetites remained strong and their thirst was normal. But the second night the play continued, just Act II with an additional cast member.

I think I spent more time in the street that night than I did in my bed. They never got the bubblies at the same time – their bouts with loose stool were not in sync. That swing chair on the porch was looking really comfy about 4:30am.


Day three. It’s official, I’m delirious but determined to stop this from continuing. I was ready to call an audible and force the final curtain call – NOW.

As I proceeded to refill their water dishes, I was so sleep deprived, I stood there hypnotized at the running water filling the bowl and then BAM, I snapped out of my trance and thought – 

it’s the water

Whatever Jaxson was battling with, he’s now given it to Harley –

it’s got to be in the water


I (like most of us) am not a veterinarian, so I have to rely on my common sense. As I started researching the pro’s and con’s of communal water bowls I kept thinking – 

I wouldn’t drink behind someone else, why am I making the Boys do it?

Are communal water bowls healthy or a health risk?

I don’t allow them to drink from communal bowls that we see in front of restaurants and retail stores. I think the intent is a very kind gesture, but I never allowed them to indulge. 

Just because they live together, could a shared water bowl create a health risk?

While contagious diseases in dogs are more commonly spread through coughing or sneezing, it is possible for dogs to be exposed to pathogens when communal water boils are contaminated. In general, it is safer to have a separate water source for your dog. AKC

I never EVER thought – making them share a water bowl had the potential of becoming an incubator for contagious diseases. 


As much as I adored their three bowl feeding station, it was time to change…

I also decided that Jaxson needed a more elevated food station because he’s a bit taller from the first one I purchased – so I was able to find the same bowl stands with seven different height settings…

Notice the difference in height. I use the decorative Champagne Ice bucket to separate the two feeding stations.

Because the heights differ, Harley doesn’t try to stretch his neck to get to Jaxson’s water and Jaxson prefers not to lower his neck…

If you have multiple pets sharing the same bowl, it’s super important to wash the bowl daily – there’s a higher chance of germs entering the bowl.


Day three we shut this hideous theatre debacle down! I picked up a prescription from Doodle Doc that reversed everything instantly. The Boys bounced back…

… and we all napped most of the weekend away.

I finally stopped blaming myself. I never meant to set the conditions for them to get sick and I am happy with their new feeding station because the bowls are much deeper and I’ve noticed they’re both drinking more water. 

If you want to know more about water bowls, read the links I’ve included in this post. I learned a lot, perhaps there’s valuable information in there for you to learn and share as well.

Caring for animals is a noble calling, and when done well, can result in the undying gratitude of pets, as well as the humans they own. ❤️

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  • Madison
    February 3, 2022

    We all drink from the same bowls around the house, cats and dogs. Mom cleans and refills them every morning, and the more popular watering holes a few times a day. There would be no way to keep water available for everyone if we had separate bowls because we would never figure out we could only drink from a certain bowl. We never drink from communal bowls outside the house, and Mom brings water from home when we travel so we have our good home water with us always. Hope you guys are all back to normal.

    • Cathy Bennett
      February 10, 2022

      I totally understand Madison. The Boys have only one set of bowls in the kitchen, so it’s easier for me to keep up with washing the two. Take care and thanks – everyone is feeling Doodle*tastic….

  • Cheryl
    February 3, 2022

    So glad things are back to normal!

    • Cathy Bennett
      February 10, 2022

      Thanks Cheryl, trust me when I tell you so are we 🙂

  • Tails Around the Ranch
    February 3, 2022

    Whew, glad you guys are back to sleeping through the night undisrupted. Digestive issues are the worst for the whole family. The Ranch Hands each have separate water bowls next to their food bowls at opposite ends of the room, though I note that user-ship often becomes a moving target, with each grazing between each other’s bowl. But they do get washed and cleaned with each fill up. The dog slime that forms in the bowls has to be a breeding ground for all sorts of gross things.

    • Cathy Bennett
      February 10, 2022

      I also wash the bowls between refills but I think the user-ship (love that term!) with one bowl intensifies the slime and breeding ground for EVERYTHING. Right now I see a little dipping in different bowls but for the most part – they like their own. I think a lot of that is because of the difference in height. Jaxson doesn’t care to bend down for Harley’s water when his bowl is conveniently neck-high and Harley doesn’t want to be on his tip-paws trying to sip out of Jaxson’s bowl. It’s all working out well.