By Monday, January 2, 2012 1 , , , Permalink

I’m big, but I’m quiet. I don’t talk much, but I listen well. I’ve heard all the “buzz” about Harley’s Christmas entry in Mom’s blog. How “so many people” read about it, and “what great comments” it received. I may not be two years old yet, but I too have worthy things to say. My mom is “big” on everything being fair and equitable, so I’m allowed to blog about the New Year. So let me share with you what I know:

The week following Christmas, people start talking about all the “changes” they are going to make “right after the first of the year.” I’ve  heard everything from, “giving up certain foods”, “getting more exercise’, “taking better care of myself”, “getting a new job”, and so on. My interpretation is that once the pretty trees in the house go back in the basement closet, the plastic candles come off the window ledges, the wreaths are removed from outside the house, then it’s time to try different things with your life. I’ve been thinking long and hard about what I want to do differently. Don’t have many areas to mess with, if you know what I mean. But none the less, there are a few things that could stand some improvement:

If I understand it correctly and these “New Year” changes are a lot like wishes, well here go mine:

Love my brother – really do, but I sometimes want to STRETCH out on the couch by myself.


Can a “doodle” have more “me” time with his toys?


From now on when we go shopping, I want my OWN shopping cart!


No more HAIRCUTS – Fernando please talk to my people!


I’m REALLY ready to move out of “small dog” camp now – HELLO!


I will NOT wear that hideous bright yellow glow in the dark raincoat another year!


Last but not least, someone promise me (“in writing” would make me feel more secure) I can stay right where I am with the “greatest family ever!”


If you liked MY blog, then send your comments, so I can show them to Harley!

1 Comment
  • Tiffie
    January 2, 2012

    Leo – I LOVE your blog the best! (shhh don’t tell Harley)