By Thursday, March 29, 2018 6 No tags Permalink

This Easter weekend let’s all practice pet safety. Don’t let your pet become a victim of the chocolate bunny…


Photo courtesy of Refuel Blog

Even though he’s hollow inside, don’t be fooled by his smoothness – his lining is still chocolate, which makes him just as dangerous if ingested by your pet.

While Easter symbolizes the start of spring-fun, warmer weather and outdoor celebrations – we as pet parents need to be on our “A” game.

The Boys and I want you to have an eggcellent Easter…

…free of incident or accidents.

Here’s a few things to think about…


Packed full of tempting tasty human treats, most (if not all) are toxic to your pet. Between the cacao used in the chocolate and the xylitol used in the jelly beans, either could give your dog an upset tummy or based on the quantity consumed – even death.

I no longer put out a decorative basket as a centerpiece because it doesn’t look as festive without that plastic grass lining. Jaxson loves to eat grass, this may tempt him to try a few blades. Dogs cannot digest or absorb plastic. It can become entangled in their intestinal tract.

Of course there are substitutes – like “paper” grass. I’m just not comfortable with the chemicals used to dye the paper so I’ve opted to forego the living room table decorations all together.

The Boys baskets (yes they get baskets) consist of a few items but “no” grass.

I look for those inexpensive stuffed rabbits or ducks. The kind Jaxson can get the most enjoyment out of. You know – the ones he can dismember quickly that won’t hurt my walllet. A chew toy, pawhaps an Antler and I’m done.


Easter toys can be deadly to dogs. They’re usually small in size because the concept is for them to fit in those plastic eggs. Many times though, it requires the children to put them together. Dogs have a tendency to swallow what they place in their mouths. Be careful.


The Easter Lily is probably one of the most populars plants in the country, especially during the Easter season. Did you know cats can experience kidney failure from only eating a “part” of the lily. Consider silk if you have a cat – they last longer 🙂


Last but certainly not least, here’s my own PSA for those baby chicks and bunnies. They are about the cutest things around, however, they will grow larger and require years of care. Before you bring one home (on a whim) for the Easter holiday, please consider the commitment.

Wishing you a very Happy Easter ❤

  • Emma
    March 30, 2018

    Happy Easter Weekend to all of you! May it be filled with a yard overflowing with wabbits for the boys to capture! No need for that human chocolate stuff if you have real ones!

    • Cathy Bennett
      April 11, 2018

      Hope you girls had a wabbit filled Easter too!

  • Monika & Sam
    March 30, 2018

    Happy Easter to you and yours. We’re keeping the chocolate out of noisy reach of a couple poodle knuckleheads. Just to e safe.

    • Cathy Bennett
      April 11, 2018

      Easter was uneventful, after church the Boys and I just chilled in the house. I love those types of weekends. How was yours?

  • Cathy Armato
    April 2, 2018

    These are really good safety tips! I hadn’t thought about the dyed paper or plastic grass in the baskets. Good thing we didn’t have Easter baskets. Hope you & the Doodles had a happy Easter! I love your Easter Bunny photo.
    Love & biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    • Cathy Bennett
      April 11, 2018

      Only since Jaxson has been in my life, do I think about things like plastic grass LOL Our Easter was pretty quiet, hope you and your family had a wonderful weekend.