Recent Posts by Cathy Bennett


Love those Monday holidays. On Sunday nights though, I usually pack "way too much" enthusiasm into them. I try to stay up much later than normal, consume more junk food than I should as I flip channels and curse the television networks for putting absolutely NOTHING worthwhile on TV. I mean “come-on”, with most of ...


Harley EATS grass! Harley ENJOYS eating grass! Harley EATS grass REGULARLY! I don’t know about you, but I remember being told that “dogs eat grass because they're ill, and it makes them vomit, then they feel better.” Never made much sense to me, but then I didn’t own a dog back then either. Harley comes along, and somewhere between ...


When your child starts school  - especially pre-school, or kindergarten, you “live” to hear the teacher tell you that little Jason “really knows his colors” or Samantha “can count all the way to 10!” This will go on until your child is able to articulate their own activities, adventures, pitfalls, and whether or not they ...

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