Recent Posts by Cathy Bennett


If you pay close attention you will notice, our seasons give us “signs” they are changing. Even though March 20th marked this years “official” Spring Equinox date, many regions needed additional weeks for the temperatures to catch up. It’s April now and we can finally see new growth. In our little neck of the woods, it’s ...

Must Be The Place

By Tuesday, April 23, 2013 0 , Permalink

It has a new structure, applied across the whole system, that brings clarity to the entire experience. The interface is purposely unobtrusive. Conspicuous ornamentation has been stripped away. Unnecessary bars and buttons have been removed. And in taking away design elements that don’t add value, suddenly there’s greater focus on what matters most: your content. Nam ...


The story I’m about to tell you may seem a bit “concocted” but I assure you this is: The truth The whole truth, and Nothing but the TRUTH!!!!! Harley is really a very special doodle… DH was out of town last week, and this past Wednesday he brought the suitcases out again to depart on Thursday. Harley is not a ...


Do you have one? I can’t think of anyone who hasn’t used the popular phrase “Achilles Heel” at least once in a conversation. Here’s my personal all time favorite: “I’m trying to lose weight but french fries are my achilles heel.” The actual definition for this phrase means “weakness – in spite of overall strength, that ...

Recent Comments by Cathy Bennett